Rout of Administration
Route of Administration
Here Give information about the Route of Administration in the body and also explain all Rout Administration and channel of drugs administration, and also explain what's is Route of Administration, why required route of Administration and also explain what is there important.
Definition Route of Administration
A route of admiAdministra can be defined as the drug can be applied on the various body parts, and it can absorb by a various route such as oral route, parenteral route, etc. And it's absorbed and give biological action.
Type of route of Administration
Hear have some type of route of Administrat, this are classified in a following Types
- Local route of Administrati
- Oral route of Administrati
- Parenteral Routes of Administration
1.Local Route Of Administration
A drugs used locally affect mostly the part it comes in contact with or surosurrou and underlying regions. It may also be absorbed from the site of application to the general circulations.
Drugs are locally administration on the such as
- Skin
- Mucous membrane
- Serious membreme
Some type of membranes are also used as local use and local route like eyes, ,throat , ears, nose, rectum,vagina,urethra etc.
Application Of Local Route Of Administration
- Simple application of medicament on the skin
- Simply applying medicament by rubbing
- Self medication
- No need doctor applying medication.
- It safe comper perenteral route.
2.Oral Route Of Administration
The oral route commonly used route of administration of the drug , mostly medicament are used like tablet, syrup,capsule etc .it can have lacal action ,reflex action,systemic action.Kaolin,or antibiotics like streptomycin ,gum are used as topical action, ammonium chloride as reflex ecpectoexpe and reflex emetic in large doge, aspirin , barbiturates , hypnotic mostly are drugs given by orally.
Advantage of orals route
- Self medication is possible
- It is safe comper to other route
- Absorption is selective as per need
- Easy to hendlh
Rout of Administration
Reviewed by milan bhaliya
November 21, 2019

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